YWAM DTS Electives — YWAM San Diego/Baja

Discipleship Training School Electives

Every January & September


Every January, June & September

Every January & September

Every January & June

Every June & September


Every June & September

Come explore God’s creation in Beautiful Baja California, Mexico!

Choose an elective FOr your DTS

During the five-month DTS, students will have the opportunity to select an elective in an area where they would like to pursue additional growth during the campus phase. The central theme of every DTS is “To know God and make Him known.” The elective that you select will help you develop tools to “make God known.”

Each elective will have a weekly session dedicated to helping you to grow and develop. Electives may also impact the local ministries you engage in during the campus phase.

During our disciple training school, you will focus on building your understanding of God’s Nature, character, and ways. Our prayer is that through intimacy with Christ, you’ll grow in your knowledge of your identity in Christ. Students will live together in dorm-style housing with students from all around the world to pursue walking deeper in faith. Each DTS is separated into two phases: the campus phase and the outreach phase. We start a new DTS each January, April, and September. All of our schools are bilingual in both English and Spanish. 

DTS Course Details


January 9 - May 30, 2025

June 19 - November 7th, 2025

September 18, 2025 - Febuary 13, 2026


Campus Phase : $3,695 USD

Outreach Phase : $2,500-4,500 USD

LANGUAGE: English or Spanish

POSSIBLE OUTREACH LOCATIONS : Latin America, South East Asia, Eastern Europe

Outreach Phase

After training and learning, your outreach begins! Spend an 8-week international phase to GO, SERVE, & SHARE God’s incredible love with the world! You’ll venture cross culturally to share God’s story and use your missional mindset to transform lives with His love. 

Perform hands-on missions through service work, prayer, worship, and your chosen passion empowered during your elective. Possible outreach destinations may include: Europe, South East Asia, Latin America, The Caribbean, or Africa

Have questions about DTS and want to talk to us?  


Everything You Need to Know to Apply for DTS

When is DTS?

At YWAM San Diego/Baja, we start a new DTS every January, June, and September. The DTS is a five-month adventure with God that includes 11 weeks of training and 8 weeks of international outreach.

Where is DTS?

While our office is located in San Diego, our DTS courses are hosted in Mexico just south of the US border in Baja, Mexico. Our San Antonio Del Mar and Ensenada campuses overlook the Pacific Ocean and are only a few minutes walk from the beach.

Cost of DTS

The campus phase costs $3,695. This includes tuition, housing, training materials, and meals for the entire 11 weeks. The outreach phase will cost an additional $2,500-$4,500, depending on your overseas destination and travel costs. This price covers local transportation, meals, and lodging for the 8-week trip.

Have more questions?

Check out our DTS FAQ page and see what an average day is like during DTS.

Want to get to know YWAM San Diego Baja? Check out of DTS Videos page.

Apply for DTS in three easy steps:

  1. Create an account for our online application

  2. Fill out the application complete with references.

  3. Submit your course deposit of $45 U.S.D to hold your place in the course.

Once your application process begins, a member of our registrar team will contact you to walk you through your acceptance process!

Have Questions About DTS?

Does a DTS sound right for you? Do you have other questions you’d like to ask our staff team? Fill out an inquiry form and our staff will contact you. Please call us at 619-227-9473 for more information.