Community Development School
Learn principles to see COMMUNITies developed and launched into kingdom transformation
Community Development School
Learn principles to see COMMUNITies developed and launched into kingdom transformation
We believe Jesus is our example in all areas of life, and Luke 2:52 shows us God’s plan for individuals to experience integral development in their lives and communities. Come and be challenged through our “development starts with me” model, and be equipped to create lasting transformation in communities worldwide! Discover God’s intentions for communities and what they need to thrive. Learn what God has to say about holistic development and how you can catalyze change in a community.
The Community Development School allows you to understand the Great Commission further as you explore Gospel-centered principles and practically apply them in a developing community in Northern Baja, Mexico.
In this school, you will learn to ask the right questions to assess a community's needs, enter and healthily leave a community, make disciples, and empower people to transform their community and nation. Throughout the course, you will develop a sustainable development plan for the community of your choice that can be practically applied to propel them toward transformation.
Come and learn new ways to serve in communities from our school leaders and guest speakers, which include experienced community development teachers, practitioners, and pioneers from YWAM and the body of Christ.
April 10 - Aug 29, 2025 at our San Antonio Del Mar campus
Course Runs Bilingually in English & Spanish
School Tuition: $3495 USD
Includes tuition, food & housing.
Outreach: Approx. $2,500-3,500 USD
Pre-requisite : A successfully completed DTS
Situated where the developed and developing worlds meet, YWAM San Diego/Baja is perfectly located to train and equip students to apply community development principles. And there are plenty of options for practical application. Our bilingual classes, campus, and staff provide the perfect opportunity for students to apply the skills they're learning daily.
After completing the lecture phase, students will be divided into smaller teams to explore, using community development principles in the field. Outreach locations will be announced during the lecture phase and may include places where students are already serving prior to the school.
Key Strategies for effective cross-cultural ministry
Dynamics for Development & Working with the Local Church
Spiritual Mapping & Mentoring
Worldview & Biblical Understanding of the Poor
Project Planning & Language Acquisition Techniques
During the lecture phase, our students have the opportunity to impact the local community through our transformation workshops. These workshops, prepared and taught by our students based on what they learned in class that week, bless our ongoing local ministries by sharing development principles and empowering community members to seek their own transformation with the help of God.
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