School of Missions & Evangelism — YWAM San Diego/Baja

This is Your next step in missions!

THe DTS teaches you to know god, this course teaches you to make God known!

When you sign up for this course, you are stepping out onto the boat and into an incredible adventure with God! Sharing our faith and teaching about the transformational power of the cross is what missions is all about! For some of us this may come naturally, yet for others this is a vital skill that we need to develop! At it’s core, evangelism is about helping others to have a better understanding of the nature & character of God. Jesus once said that, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.”

You may have seen some cringe-worthy examples of sharing our faith, but there is something powerful when evangelism is done from a place of love and respect. In this school we will study the heart of the evangelist and God’s heart for the lost, and we’ll work together to develop critical thinking skills that will allow to articulate our faith.

Course details: 

Sept 18, 2025 - Feb 13, 2026 Lecture Phase at our San Antonio Del Mar campus

Lecture Phase: $3495 USD Includes tuition, supplies, food & housing. 

Outreach Phase: $2500-4500 USD Locations may include: Latin America & Asia

The course will be run in English & Spanish

“THe great commission is not an option to consider, it’s a command to be obeyed!”- j. Hudson Taylor

“Let us help you discover your role in God’s great mission of reaching the lost with the Good News. What are the visions and dreams and purposes of God for your life? Who are the people you have a burden to reach?

Join us and learn how to bring the message of the gospel to the lost and broken, to different opinions, worldviews, cultures, and languages. From the homeless and hopeless, to the wealthy and prestigious, from the slums to the university campuses. From across the street, to across the world, you will learn how to bring the message of hope to those in darkness.

Your DTS taught you to know God. The SOME teaches you how to make God known. The School of Missions and Evangelism is designed to help you identify and activate your gifts, strengths, and talents, and pursue your specific calling in bringing the knowledge of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth. The SOME will give you the tools you need in fulfilling the Great Commission.”

Isaac & Hannah Meyer (School Leaders)


Join us for an experience you will never forget!

The Lecture Phase is 12 weeks long and takes place at our San Antonio Del Mar campus, which is just south of Tijuana, Mexico. Lecture phase is followed by an 8 week outreach where students get to put into practice the things that they have learned. Because of our location, there are numerous ministry opportunities available. As a student here you will be able to invest into the local Mexican community by participating in our local ministries.  At YWAM San Diego/Baja, we are called to serve the poor. Here are some of the many ways you will help us be the hands and feet of Jesus:


Topics in our Lecture Phase:

  • Evangelism & Apologetics

  • Leadership Development

  • Church Planting

  • Community Development and Transformation

  • Pioneering Ministries

  • Teaching and Preaching

  • Biblical Foundations for Missions

  • Perspectives Training

  • Strategic World Missions

  • Team Dynamics and Leading

Outreach : Practical Training & Experience:

  • Proclamation and Evangelism

  • Support Raising and Networking

  • Ministry Planning and Budgeting

  • Discipleship and Mentorship

  • Language Learning

  • Spiritual Disciplines

  • Seeking the Lord to make team decisions.

  • Budgeting your own ministry and personal needs

  • Working as a team to transform a community.

  • Taking personal initiative in a cross-cultural environment.

  • Furthering the vision and ministry of a long-term missionary.