How a Gap Year Discipleship Program Helped Her Grow — YWAM San Diego/Baja

"'I'm taking a gap year.' I said these words over and over again during my senior year of high school. I was proud and nervous to say them at the time. The unknown felt daunting, yet thrilling. I had no idea of the true impact my experience with YWAM San Diego/Baja's gap year discipleship program would have on my life."

Read the first-hand experience of how recent high school graduates turned their gap year into an opportunity to foster a deeper connection with themselves, their local community, the nations, and God.

Curious about our gap year programs? Reach out to YWAM San Diego/Baja today to learn more about our discipleship training school gap year experience.

Spiritual Growth: One Young Adult's Experience with Our Christian Gap Year Programs

Answering God's Call

For many people, taking a gap year means working some sort of 9-5 to gain life and professional experience, traveling to another country to be exposed to a foreign culture, or even going on a mission trip. For me, it meant a hybrid of all three. 

At the height of the senior year college application frenzy, I applied and got accepted to my top choice university. But my excitement ramped up when I applied to YWAM San Diego/Baja and was accepted to do a DTS in Tijuana, Mexico. After spending 12 years in the public school system, I was ready for a change in experience and scenery!

When the time came to start my journey, I got on a plane and headed to Mexico!

You may be wondering, why did I choose to do a gap year? Going straight to school seems much more practical, right? During my final semesters of high school, I was preparing to launch myself into college but I knew I was being called to do something different.

I loved school. I was involved in choir and theater and spent my free time attending football games and youth group. But through it all, I couldn’t shake the feeling that there was an untold adventure that God wanted to take me on. I felt called to give the Lord space, a window, or a season in my life that had His fingerprints on it - not just mine.

Before throwing myself into college life and career preparation, He wanted to have my full attention. I believe God wanted to spend this season with me, so I took the leap and did a DTS. During my gap year experience, what I thought was just a gap, became a bridge spanning into my adult life.


Bridging the Gap by Serving God

I was once told, "You have to learn who you are before you can know what you want to do." Take a moment to let that sink in. To be frank, I may have read that on the inside of a bottle cap, but hey, God's word can reach us from anywhere. In my season of DTS, this inspirational quote was truly brought to life.

During my DTS campus phase, I experienced the redemption, freedom, and hope that the Lord wanted to implement into my life. My identity in Christ was strengthened and I felt alive and ready to head out on the adventure of outreach. When the time came, we went to Europe to work with refugees and I could see God’s faithful hand as He met people where they were.

I worked to deepen the roots in my identity as a child of God and it was only after I'd dedicated that time and energy that I had a breakthrough. I felt Him whisper to me while we were at a town square in Amsterdam.

He said, "The harvest is plenty, and the workers are few,” (Matt 9:38). It wasn’t just a nice sentiment; God was placing a calling on my heart. A call to share the good news of what He’s done for us. "You have to learn who you are before you know what you want to do."

Since my DTS I have been able to travel to 6 other countries doing just that. This is the unknown adventure He was calling me on all along. I am so thankful that I took that gap year that God was tugging me towards. I had no idea the transformation would happen, but I am so thankful it did.

So, I leave you with an invitation. Not only an invitation to do a gap year program with DTS but an invitation to a season of God speaking into your life. A season of serving Him both in and out of a Christ-centered community. A season that will help you create a gap that becomes a bridge to whatever adventure He wants to bring you on next. So are you in?

Apply for DTS or contact YWAM San Diego/Baja for more information today!


Kirsten is on staff with us at our San Antonio Del Mar campus and works with our Discipleship Training Schools and in the Communications Department.


What is a Christian Gap Year?

For some high school graduates, like Kirsten, jumping straight into college just isn't the right choice. Maybe young adults want to gain some life experience or they want to decide on a major and future career path before investing in expensive university courses.

Another option is to dive headfirst into the workforce, but that can also present a challenge for people who are undecided about their desired path in life or who want to focus on their passions but don't know how to translate these into a career.

So, what's the solution? A gap year is a common phase for many high school graduates who need to take a beat and recenter themselves with God's plan for their lives. Usually, a gap year occurs immediately after high school ends, but the technical definition is a break from studies so you could also take a gap year during your college years.

There are pros and cons to taking a gap year and each side has some pretty strong arguments. Ultimately, a gap year can be beneficial, but only if you make the time count. A Christian gap year program is a great way to make your time off a meaningful, productive experience that propels you on your desired path in your life.

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Discipleship Training School: A Powerful Gap Year Discipleship Program

For young adults seeking a gap year program that adds value to their lives and sets them on the right path for their future, YWAM San Diego/Baja offers a Discipleship Training School. A missions training experience like no other, DTS is your chance to take back control of your life and learn how you can harness your unique passions and relationship with Jesus to transform your life and the lives of those around you.

DTS is a 5-month-long training and outreach program that starts on one of our beautiful campuses in Baja California, Mexico - just south of the U.S./Mexico border - and extends to a cross-cultural experience across the globe. Our Christian gap year program doesn't quite last a whole year, but we also offer Secondary Schools to maximize your training time.

Alternatively, you can use your additional time to reflect on what you learned during your transformational trips and continue to listen to God's guidance on how you should use your deeper understanding of missions and your newfound Christian community for the rest of your life.

Our DTS offers college credit through the University of the Nations, so if you decide to move on to college after your gap year you're already ahead of the game! During the first 11 weeks of your DTS experience, you'll also get to take your pick of our specialized elective courses for dedicated training in your desired field.

Have a passion for photography and want to expand your skills beyond the limits of Insta stories? Check out our photo story DTS elective. Find yourself constantly learning new instruments and curating hyper-specific Spotify playlists. Become a trained musician and powerful worship leader with our music and arts DTS elective. Our additional elective courses include:

After the campus phase, learn to navigate cultural differences and serve alongside fellow gap year students during our outreach phase. Spanning the last few weeks of your DTS experience, you'll embark on one of a variety of mission trips to Europe, South East Asia, Latin America, The Caribbean, or Africa to spread the love of Jesus Christ to communities unfamiliar with His story.

Using your new mission skills and service opportunities, you'll transform the everyday lives of people from diverse backgrounds and develop strong leadership skills to use far beyond the timeframe of your gap year. So, what are you waiting for? Check out our gap year programs or apply for DTS today. Prospective students can get all their burning DTS questions answered in our detailed FAQ.



Gap Year Discipleship Program: Where a Gap Becomes a Bridge